
Site Address

Description Service

Laureate Psychiatric Clinic
6655 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK
Vibration and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Testing for Installation of a GE 3.0T MRI System
Kershaw County Outpatient Facility
3300 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK  73112
Muskogee Regional Medical Center
300 Rockefeller Drive
Muskogee, OK
Vibration and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Testing for Installation of a GE 1.5T MRI System
OU Medical Center
One South Bryant Avenue
Edmond, OK
Vibration Testing for Installation of a GE Optima
450W 1.5T MRI System
7714 East 91st Street
Tulsa, OK
Vibration and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Testing for Installation of a GE Optima 450W 1.5T
MRI System
Radiology Department of the St. Francis Hospital
6161 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK
Vibration Testing for Installation of a GE VCT
Scanner System
Imaging Center of the St. Francis Hospital
6605 South Yale Avenue
Tulsa, OK
Vibration Testing for Installation of a GE VCT
Scanner System
Orthopedic Associates
3301 NW 50th Street
Oklahoma City, OK
Vibration Testing and Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) Testing for Installation of a GE
1.5T MRI System
OU Medical Center
940 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK
A Vibration Testing and an Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) Testing for Installation of a GE
1.5T MRI System
Integris Cancer Institute of Oklahoma
5911 West Memorial Road
Oklahoma City, OK
Vibration Testing and an Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) Testing for Installation of a GE
1.5T MRI System
Choctaw Nation Indian Hospital
1 Choctaw Way
Talihina, OK 74571
Vibration Testing for Installation of a GE VCT
scanner  System
South West MRI
13301 North Meridian Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK
Vibration Testing and Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) Testing for Installation of a
GE 1.5T MRI System
Oklahoma University Cancer Institute
975 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Vibration Testing for Installation of a GE 3.0T MRI
and (2) GE VCT Scanner Systems
Integris Baptist Medical Center
3300 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK  73112
Vibration Testing for Installation of a GE 1.5T
MRI (and Its Future Upgrade to a GE 3.0T MRI)